Worthing Pier & Beaches
Situated opposite our shop, Worthing Pier is one of the most productive venues in the country, with its surrounding beaches fishing equally as well throughout the year.
Recent years has seen the Pier producing some superb fishing with large numbers of Undulate Rays, Smoothhounds, and Conger eels landed to 30lb, big baits in coloured seas are favoured conditions. A landing net can be very useful.
Garfish usually appear late from March and stay till around early May then move off before returning in big numbers towards September time. Mackerel show randomly throughout the summer with early morning and evening tides seeing the best results. Scads will be caught late summer. Small slithers of Mackerel fished as bait in midwater are methods that prove successful.
Bass can show to live baits such as Smelt which can be caught off the pier on Sabiki feathers, large fish baits and crab.
Plenty of small species to keep people interested such as Wrasse, Blennies, Bullheads, Black Bream which can be caught from the Landing Stage using small hooks and bait.
Worthing Pier is a free to fish venue and is open daily from 6am to 10pm, although strong winds can cause the Pier to be forced to close for Health and Safety reasons. The Pier has rules which need to be followed such as no overhead casting from Upper deck and only fishing from permitted bays. Signs on the Pier show information regarding where you are allowed to fish at any time of the year.
Worthing Pier and the local beaches can produce good numbers of Flounders and Whiting in the winter months, along with Rockling, occasional Codling and Bass.
For the latest catch reports visit our Facebook Page.