Fiiish Crazy Sandeel Double Combo Off Shore
PATENTED SWIM CONCEPT HSV - Thanks to a combination of shapes tested and developed in Brittany to imitate the swimming of a live sand eel, the unique swim of Crazy Sand Eel has been patented by Fiiish. It's called (High Swimming Vibration).
DESIGNED TO INCORPORATE A RATTLE - The CRAZY SAND EEL bodies in sizes 2, 3 and 4 (150, 220 and 300) were designed to incorporate a rattle. This rattle mimics the clatter of small prey and helps predators detect lures in dirty water.
ATTRACTANT SCENTED WITH ANISEED - The bodies of CRAZY SAND EEL are all impregnated with an attractant formula scented with aniseed.
UV REACTION - The body of pink Fluoro color reacts to UV after capturing light. This makes it even more visible to predators in churned up water, deep water or dim light such as dusk.