West Sussex Catch Report - 20th October 2024
Report by David Lewis
Good evening, as we approach late October there has been some good numbers of Bass caught locally plus with the unsettled weather it often brings other larger species inshore such as Congers so despite the weather the fishing certainly is proving worthwhile so why not get the rods out and give it ago.
Here are Worthing high tides times for the week ahead:
- Monday 21st October: 02:16 (6.4m), 14:33 (6.3m)
- Tuesday 22nd October: 03:05 (6.0m), 15:21 (5.8m)
- Wednesday 23rd October: 03:56 (5.5m), 16:12 (5.3m)
- Thursday 24th October: 04:53 (5.0m), 17:14 (4.8m)
- Friday 25th October: 06:03 (4.6m), 18:35 (4.4m)
- Saturday 26th October: 07:33 (4.5m), 20:12 (4.4m)
Despite the big tides last week, the sea has remained coloured locally although deeper water venues further east such as Brighton Marina and Shoreham Harbour have had a few days where the water clarity improved. This weekends strong winds and dropping tides means the sea should be dirty next week as well.
Again, please note Worthing Pier is still currently shut due to structural damage and not likely to be open within the next month or so, despite this most of the species commonly caught from the Pier can be caught from Worthing beaches.
Whiting have appeared in numbers during the past week with plenty caught locally including from Shoreham, Hove, Brighton and Eastbourne. Although considered a pest to many anglers at this time of year they often prove to make good live baits for large Bass and Congers. A few small Pouting were also caught on Shoreham beach this week.
Some nice sized Bass have been caught recently and Lee caught a superb fish of over 8lb on a live Whiting from Shoreham West Arm. Most venues are likely to produce Bass including the beaches which can fish well at low water as well as high especially fishing when a decent surf is running. Brighton Marina and Shoreham Harbour are the venues where live baiting can be successful for good Bass at this time of year.
There are still reports of a few Codling being caught with Selsey East beach seeing some show up lately although they are likely anywhere from Brighton to Worthing with fish mostly in the 1 to 3lb weight range.
When the water is coloured Dogfish have been plentiful from venues west of Worthing such as Goring, East Preston, Pagham and Selsey. The occasional Bull Huss tend to appear at this time of year and often are caught in amongst the Dogfish.
At this time of year usually some of the bigger Congers move inshore but nothing particularly big has been reported lately other than plenty of straps. Shoreham and Worthing beaches could be venues worth trying for larger Eels especially as the Whiting shoals are about.
A few Undulate Rays have been caught from Bognor and Selsey whilst Shoreham and Lancing are always liable to see a few caught. Thornbacks are possible from beaches Sussex such as Eastbourne, Seaford, Hove and Pagham. The occasional Small Eyed could appear randomly and more common in East Sussex.
Coloured water can produce some decent Sole both in daylight and darkness with Brighton, Hove and Shoreham spots worth trying with worm baits. Small Plaice have been caught in calmer weather along with the odd Flounder and Dab.
After each spell of bad weather and strong winds the number of summer species and their quantities are likely to decrease with only a few remaining inshore even when the water does clear out again. Deeper water venues are most likely to offer access to clearer water first in settled conditions with Brighton Marina and Shoreham Harbour maybe capable of still producing a few summer species.
During last week the water clarity briefly improved and there was small numbers of Mackerel, Garfish, Mullet, Wrasse and Squid from the Marina and Harbour.
Prime Angling is open 7 days a week; opening hours are 8am till 5pm – Monday to Saturday and Sunday 8am – 4pm, we are located at 26 Marine Parade, Worthing, BN11 3PT, just to the east of Worthing Pier with limited customer parking available at the front of the shop. For bait availability it is advisable to phone us on 01903 821594. We also stock a large variety of frozen sea baits as well as a wide range of freshwater baits and tackle.
Please feel free to send us pictures of your recent local catches via our Facebook Page Messenger or email and we will aim to publish them for you in the weekly report. Please note we DO NOT claim ANY FISH used and mentioned in our reports are caught on our baits or tackle, it is a report to show what has and is likely to be caught locally.
Good luck and Tight Lines!