Tronixpro Blaze CXIII
Based on the Blaze CXII, this rod features the same powerful distance casting blank but utilises a tubular tip for even more power. Although not as sensitive as the hybrid tip model, the Blaze CXIII has been designed for casting heavier weights and bigger baits to ultra-distance. It is also the right tool for the job when fishing in big seas, fast-running tides and amongst rough ground. An excellent rod when targeting bigger species such as huss, rays and smoothhound. Although this rod features a stiffer tubular tip, it still retains the sensitivity to register bites at range and maintains its rigidity when faced with high winds and pounding surf. When there is a need to punch that big crab or squid bait out to distance, this is the rod to use.
The blank is made from 30ton Japanese Carbon from Mitsubishi, making it a strong but lightweight rod to handle. It is rung throughout with Fuji KWAG guides and comes fitted with a Fuji DPS reel seat.